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Frequently asked questions
What can I expect from an in-home euthanasia visit?Whether we've treated your pet before or this is the first time you are contacting us, we will feel honored to hold your hand during this difficult time. After you schedule an appointment, our veterinarian will come to your home. Our veterinarian will discuss with you, your desires and needs during the euthanasia process. Once you and the veterinarian come up with a plan together, our veterinarian will have you sign paperwork and other required documentation. Our veterinarian will give your pet an injection that allows your pet to peacefully fall asleep. After your pet has been fully sedated our veterinary team will then allow you whatever time you and your family need together with your pet. Because we believe in providing the most stress free and pain free experience possible, we will administer the final injection after we have confirmed that your pet is completely asleep and free of any pain or fear.
When is it the right time to euthanize my pet?Although we are often asked this question, it is difficult to answer without a full veterinary evaluation of your pet. Our staff will do our best to help you evaluate your pets quality of life. If you are unsure if your pets quality of life is declining we can offer an in-home quality of life assessment to better help guide you with your decisions about euthanasia.
After an in-home euthanasia, what do I do with my pet?If you choose, our veterinary team will take your pet to a pet crematory. You may choose private or communal cremation. The crematory will provide you with ashes from your beloved pet in a personalized private cremation package. We are in partnership with Peaceful Waters Aquamation.
What is the benefit of an in-home veterinary visit?There are many reasons why a pet owner or pet may require or prefer and in-home veterinary visit - a pet owner is unable to bring a pet into a veterinary office, the pet is too sick to leave the house, the pet is too anxious to be in a busy veterinary office, or an owner is too busy to schedule an appointment and drive to a clinic. Whatever the reason may be, Peaceful Veterinary Care is happy to come to your home. We can provide a stress-free environment for your pet with the same diagnostics and treatments you will find in a veterinary office.
I don’t want an in-home euthanasia. What do I do?Everyone is different and every family deserves to have their pet pass in a safe and comforting environment. Not every family wants the memory of their pet passing at home. For this reason, we are able to provide you and your pet with in-office euthanasia appointments. These appointments are for families that prefer their pet passing in a setting other then home. In order to best serve grieving families our clinic is designed to be comfortable, quiet and calm. It is intended to mimic a living room setting and it is free of the harsh lighting, loud noises and overwhelming smells typical of veterinary clinics. We believe this creates a fear free and safe environment for all pets.
Do you see pocket pets or farm animals?Yes. We are happy to provide services for rabbits, goats, pigs, small birds, and other pocket pets. If you have any of these pets, please give us a call so we can guide you to the next best steps.
I believe my pet is having an emergency, what do I do?While we are often available same day, we are not considered an emergency response service. If you pet is having difficulty breathing, actively bleeding, has collapsed or has pale gums, please contact your closest veterinary emergency hospital. If you think this is an emergency and need care immediately.
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