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Memorial in Honor of Zach

We had to say goodbye to our precious Zach of almost 15 years and we knew we wanted it to be as peaceful as possible and at home where he was most comfortable. We spoke to several big name services who couldn't describe the process since each Vet did their own protocol. This wasn't acceptable to us.

When I contacted Peaceful Vet Care, a smaller family-owned private practice, Dr. Chapman explained everything they do to make sure it is indeed peaceful.

When she arrived, it was apparent that she loved dogs and Zach knew it. For the first time in months, we spotted a tail wag despite being so ill. Dr. Chapman treated Zach as if it was her own dog. She explained everything again and was the most compassionate and caring vet I've ever met. She was an answer to our prayers. She even hugged me after Zach passed away to comfort me.

Thank you Dr. Chapman for everything you did to make this goodbye easier for us. We are so grateful for you!

-Mike and Lessly Whalen

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